La segunda función es el reflejo mismo... este muestra lo que hay detrás del fotógrafo y su cámara, lo que nunca se muestra, lo que nunca imaginamos, que hay realmente detrás del ¨click¨.
Pérez-Reverte escribió la siguiente frase acerca de los viajes: "hay lugares de los que no se vuelve" y realmente durante este trabajo una parte mía se quedo en dos o tres lugares de este peregrinaje.
El mismo también nos habla de como antiguamente la mayoría de la gente estaba acostumbrada a ver un solo lugar en toda su vida y ahora es tanto lo que vemos y a la velocidad en que nos movemos que yo pienso que perdemos los detalles y esa mística del viaje y todo queda resumido a simplemente llegar al punto de destino.
Quiero captar la esencia de diversos lugares en donde la estrella y la constante será la maleta, viajar con ella y moverla no es tan sencillo, pesa mucho, es un buen bulto y algunas veces he necesitado conseguir permisos especiales para entrar a algunos sitios con ella, la gente ha sido algo muy especial pues se extrañan al observar este objeto y de ver que la estoy fotografiando, finalmente lo que mas se acercan, se animan a preguntar cosas o a reflejarse en ella son los niños.
Ha sido un reto muy agradable el retratar un espejo y no salir reflejado en el, también lo ha sido el buscar lugares idóneos tanto para el plano general de la foto como para la parte reflejada en el, podríamos decir que en cada foto en realidad hay dos tomas.
Espero disfruten de este trabajo llamado "El alma de la petaca ©"
José Mtz Verea

The meaning of this suitcase and the mirror attached to it revolves around two questions:
The first is what I imagine this suitcase "saw" through its travels (it belonged to my father). That is the primary function of the mirror—to become the soul of this object and show us places, experiences, and more.
The second function is the reflection itself… It reveals what lies behind the photographer and their camera—the unseen, the unimaginable, what is truly behind the "click."
Pérez-Reverte once wrote the following phrase about travel: "There are places from which one never returns." During this project, a part of me remained in two or three places along this journey.
He also speaks of how, in the past, most people were used to seeing only one place in their entire lives. Now, we see so much, moving at such speed that I believe we lose the details and the mystique of travel—everything is reduced to merely reaching the destination.
I aim to capture the essence of various places where the suitcase is the star and the constant. Traveling with it and moving it around is not easy—it is heavy, bulky, and, at times, I have had to obtain special permits to bring it into certain locations. People have been fascinating in their reactions, surprised to see this object and to watch me photographing it. Ultimately, the ones who come closer, dare to ask questions, or even reflect themselves in it, are the children.
The suitcase has already gathered its own stories as a photographic model. Once, I photographed it at the edge of a cliff with a lake in the background. I only had the chance to take one photo—right after the first "click," a gust of wind sent it tumbling down the ravine, shattering it into pieces. I had to reach the nearest town for emergency repairs—getting a new mirror, rebuilding its structure with glue, nails, and wires.
It has been an enjoyable challenge to photograph a mirror without appearing in it. Finding ideal locations, both for the overall composition and the reflected scene, has been equally demanding. One could say that in every photo, there are actually two images.
I hope you enjoy this project titled "The Soul of the Suitcase" ©
José Mtz Verea
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